Friday, September 27, 2019

Fantastic Fall Friday

Students enjoyed coming into learning choices of pattern name painting, building and creating homes for animals, play-doh and building. Reviewing all of our songs and letter rhymes was lots of fun to get us started. 

We looked at the picture of our fall tree and talked about signs of fall and the colours we saw in the picture. We reviewed the 4 seasons and used actions to help us remember. Ask your child to show you the actions for the seasons. Students watched as Mrs. Johnston modeled how to draw a tree and use real colours to make it look realistic. We introduced our colouring rules today: colour in one direction, no white showing and use real colours. Kindergarten did an amazing job of drawing their fall tree and using pencil crayons to colour.

Luckily the rain held off so we could have our fresh air break. Please remember to help your child dress for the weather. Having your child put on their own outdoor clothes and do up their own zipper is a great way to build independence and self-confidence in your child. 

Students experimented with painting using paint brushes. Painting the trunk of a tree and adding branches was very exciting. 

While our tree trunks dried and we took a few minutes to work on our fine motor skills. Students practiced their lacing skills today by weaving a pattern around an animal. 

After our tree trunks and branches dried, students used sponges to add leaves to their fall tree. Students helped demo how we would use sponges to create fall leaves. Our masterpieces are incredible. 


  • Monday is Orange Shirt Day: Every Child Matters. Have your child wear an orange shirt to mark this special day.
  • Monday is our beginning of Rock Star of the Day-check your calendars
  • Friday October 4 is PM kindergarten (no classes for AM students)

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