Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Colour, Cut, Glue...GO

Friday, September 20 is a special day for two of our friends. We celebrated the birthdays of Owen and Ethan. Happy Birthday, Friends.

Students enjoyed putting their fine motor skills to the test today. After colouring in the lines of basic shapes, students practiced thumbs up and chicken wing in cutting. This was a challenge. We had our first gluing experience which was exciting. Students identified the shapes and types of lines they saw within those shapes. Way to go, Kinders.

Today we had our very first library day. Kindergarten explored the library and chose 2 books. They were invited to bring these books home to share with family and friends. Upon finishing the books at home, please send them back to school with your child so they may exchange them for new ones next week. 

Students walked through our document panel on our bulletin boards about, What we do with a problem? They will be excited to share this with you at conferences. 


  • Thurs./Fri.: No school for kindergarten (conferences)
  • Monday September 23: regular kindergarten hours
  • Friday, September 27: AM kindergarten (no school for PM)

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