Thursday, May 9, 2019

Today AM and PM worked to connect letters to sounds and create words. We worked with the word it and created: lit, bit, sit, pit, and kit. Students worked to identify the beginning letter, say its sounds and then say the, it, word.

Both AM and PM visited the library, always exciting to have new books.

PM enjoyed playing a SPLAT game with their Grade 2 buddies.

A fresh air break was well due in some nice weather today.

Tomorrow is Career Day for AM kindergarten (non school for PM). Students are invited to dress as they would in their career of choice. This is not a Halloween costume day, so no superheros or princesses please. Think about adding a collared shirt, a tie, a bow tie, wear a special dress, make a hat, glasses, a name tag or special shirt. Students are encouraged to use their imagination to build their own outfit to represent their future career of choice. Students will have a chance to explore different careers and share their hopes and dreams.


Evan shared some super cool Lego Ninjago he built at home. He loves building and only needed some of the instructions. He shared all of the cool spinning moves his Lego can do, his friends thought that was pretty cool. Evan had an email photo to show all of his Lego lined up and he was able to share and talk about each piece. Students loved how unique the Lego was an shared their comments about how 'super cool' it was. Way to go, Builder Evan.

Piper shared her beautiful drawing of her creation at home. She build her very own hammock. How cool is that? Piper had some emailed photos to share that her mom sent which really impressed her classmates. Piper tied a blanket to a bunkbed and then tested it with different toys and made sure it was safe. Her sister helped tie the knots and then she hopped right in. Very cool. Everyone was very interested in how to make their own hammock-so watch out parents. We emphasized safety and talked about how important parent help would be. Students thought Piper was very creative and loved asking questions about how she came up with this marvelous idea. Way to go, Builder Piper.



AM Will perform in the morning during kindergarten hours.
PM will perform in the afternoon during kindergarten hours.

This is a most excellent day for parents and students. We are excited to celebrate the learning and growth of your child throughout kindergarten. Times and details are to follow. 

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