Friday, May 24, 2019

Take a Chance and Change the World

Career Day for our Kindergarten
Dreams and Goals

  • Andy: hockey player for the Flames
  • Hadi: Police Officer
  • Dashyl: Teacher
  • Emma: Police Officer
  • Minelle: Dentist
  • Thomas: Police Officer
  • Evan: Police Officer
  • Liam: Hockey Player for the Flames
  • Mason: Teacher
  • Abigale: Teacher
  • Sophie: Singer 
  • Brielle: Firefighter
  • Lauren: Teacher
  • Rylie: Baseball player for the Red Sox
  • Nathan: Basketball player
  • Cash: Hockey player for the Broncos
  • Dom: Hockey player for the Flames
  • Divya: Nurse
  • Farnood: Teacher
  • Skylar: Nurse

We were so fortunate to celebrate career day with a very special guest, Firefighter Greg. He taught us all about being safe in our homes, outside and at school. We learned what to touch and to not touch, what are toys and what should never be played with and what is hot and what is cold. Always remember to STOP-DROP-ROLL if you are on fire. Parents, now is a great time to review your fire escape plan at home with your family.

  • Park On Tuesday May 28 (AM): weather pending
We need your help.
  • Please send in any cardboard boxes, cereal boxes, cracker boxes, toilet paper rolls, gift wrap rolls and other small cardboard items for our building. 
  • Please think about volunteering on May 29 if you're free (to help students with a craft)

Celebration of Learning

You are invited to our Kindergarten Celebration of Learning at New Brighton School. So exciting to celebrate the year of your child's first school experience. Please join your child on June 13, 2019.

AM:  doors open at 10am, performance begins at 10:15am 
PM: doors open at 2pm,  performance begins at   2:20pm

*the performance is followed by a short activity in your child's classroom*

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