Wednesday, May 1, 2019


 Today students wore their hats for mental health. We talked about how important it is to have a healthy mind and thoughts. 


Why did we wear a hat today?
  • for healthy minds (Jordyn)
  • mental health (Landon, Solveig)
  • celebrate your brain (Owen)
  • healthy bodies (Rebecca)
  • healthy hearts (Taylor)
  • really special for our minds (Emma)
  • to keep you strong (Cash W)
What can we do if we are feeling upset, overwhelmed, sad or mad?
  • walk away and take a breath (Taylor)
  • have some alone time (Landon) 
  • go to your room and then see your mom and dad (Olivia)
  • ask someone for help (Cash)
  • take a deep breath (Emma)
  • play something (Minelle)
  • meet up with a friend (Dashyl)
  • go to your bedroom (Andy)
How can we support our family and friends if they are unhappy, nervous or sad?
  • walk up to them and sit with them (Owen)
  • ask if they want to play (Taylor)
  • share all of our love (Zoey)
  • play with them (Rebecca)
  • don't just push-say sorry (Celtie)
  • say, 'wanna play a game?' (Dom)
  • play with them (Sophie)
  • watch a movie (Evan)
  • play with them (Abigale)
We listened to the online story about the Magic Breath and practiced using our magic breath today to make our happier moments even happier and learned how we can also use a magic breath to calm ourselves.

Today we continued our work with the at family. Using initial letter sounds combined with our sight word, at, we created the words: rat, cat, hat, bat, fat and mat. These words have been appearing in our stories, writing and class messages. Students worked to match these words with pictures today. Upon the completion of this activity, students read the words aloud to Mrs. Johnston. They were challenged with letter sounds and had to find the matching word. Way to go, clever kinders.


Today Ryder shared his incredible Lego building skills with the class. He built a Spiderman car all by himself using an instruction guide. He worked so hard and loved sharing the picture he drew. Ryder loves Spiderman and really liked the set he bought. Students were very impressed with his ability to work alone. They really liked the fire coming out of the back, the web string and the web. Ryder's favourite part is the Spiderman guy. Well done and way to go, Builder Ryder. 

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