Thursday, May 2, 2019

Today students continued their work with decomposing the #8 and representing it in different ways. Students used their imagination to build and share with others. Students used letter sounds to make at words and recorded them in writing. We worked on the sense of a sentence today by working left to right and using spaces between words. We wrote, Fat cat on a mat. Students drew a picture to accompany their sentence. Way to go, Kinders.

We began a Top Secret Craft today.....our lips are sealed.


Thank you to our AM friend, Taylor who created a very cool game to share with our classes. Taylor imagined a game and a way to use materials in a new way. She filled a container with toys she doesn't play with very often. She topped off the container with aquarium rocks and added paper to the outside. By shaking this container, it reveals the toys inside. The paper shows which toys you are trying to find. Students were excited about this creative effort to build a game. Taylor left the game at school and her afternoon friends think she is amazing. Thank you and well done, Builder Taylor.

PM students took turns finding all of the toys in Taylor's game. 

Thanks, Taylor for sharing your game.

ROAR!!! Cash shared his ultimate Jurassic World Lego build; absolutely amazing. Cash accompanied his emailed photos with a giant T-Rex and an incredible drawing. Students were amazed and impressed with Cash's dedication to build this Lego for more than 10 hours. He worked alone and used an instruction guide. How exciting to see all of the components in the photo. Some of our class' favourites were the extra dinosaurs and the cool cars. Wow. Great job, Builder Cash.

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