Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Domino Time

Today students worked on representing numbers and showing them concretely and pictorally. Students were challenged to find a domino to represent a number. They drew the domino dots and then shared the number pairs. Students found the corresponding number of blocks and drew them. A great challenge. Playing dominos at home and making number pairs is excellent practice.


Morgan was eager to share her Rainbow Painted horses. Her mom shared some photos through email to show her hard at work. We were all very impressed that she added glitter to the paint-it made the horses look even better. Morgan loves horses and wanted to use her creativity to create magical rainbow ones. Everyone loved her artwork to go along with her horses. Students were very impressed with her colour choices, how well she painted and were very curious about where to find such wonderful things to paint. Such a great job. Way to go, Builder Morgan. 

Rylie worked super hard to make a fish home for any kind of fish. He made it out of Lego and there is even a door an a mat. We all enjoyed imagining the things Goldy would love about this creation. She would love to hide, to play, to sleep and to have a fish party in this beautiful creation. Rylie worked hard on this and was very happy to give building advice to us. Way to go, Builder Rylie. 




AM Will perform in the morning during kindergarten hours.
PM will perform in the afternoon during kindergarten hours.

This is a most excellent day for parents and students. We are excited to celebrate the learning and growth of your child throughout kindergarten. Times and details are to follow. 

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