Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Sharing is Caring

Today AM and PM students revisited the story of Rainbow Fish. We reviewed ideas on how we can all share and why it is important to share with others. We imagined how Rainbow Fish and Goldy could share. Students did some writing focusing on beginning and end sounds to express what each fish would share with the other. So exciting to see students exploring with print, identifying sounds and beginning to express ideas in sentences.

AM was busy with both Gym and Music today. PM enjoyed Music.

Learning tubs have been engaging this week. Students are working with dice games, literacy, number representation and using imaginations to invent and build.


Solveig shared her city. She made her creation using recyclable materials. Her city included the Calgary Tower and lots of
buildings down town. (Front View) Her creation also included an underground parkade for all of the cars visiting downtown to park. (Back View). There was also a side door to walk in and out of. Solveig's classmates were very impressed with her creativity and loved asking questions about her city. Way to go, Super Builder Solveig.

Dominik was very excited to share his Police Airplane that he built out of Lego. Dominik made a picture in his mind of what he wanted to build and set to work. It was easy for him because he, "is a master builder". The class was very impressed with his Lego making skills. Dominik explained how the hardest part in creating with Lego is finding all of the pieces. The hardest part to find in this creation was the front wheel, "probably because it is so small." We love your Police Helicopter, Dominik. 


  • Field Trip forms and payment are due asap, please
  • Friday is PM Kindergarten and Jersey Day (We also welcome Lauren as Teacher of the Day)
  • Tuesday, April 16, 2019 is AM field trip to the science centre
  • Thurday, April 18, 2019 is PM filed trip to the science center

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