Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Rainbow Fish

Students enjoyed the story, Rainbow Fish. Students shared why we like to share:
  • because you can let them have it-it feels good (Landon)
  • It's nice to people (Zoey)
  • It makes people happy (Piper)
  • It makes you a good friend (Owen)
  • It's nice to share (Cash)
  • Its good to share because it is caring (Minelle)
  • To be nice (Emma)
  • To be kind(Thomas)
  • So then someone might be nice back (Blaire)
  • We care about other people (Dahsyl)
  • It creates friendships (Sophie)
Today we imagined that our class pet, Goldy, met Rainbow Fish in the ocean. What would happen??
  • Rainbow fish would give Godly a shiny scale (Cash)
  • They would be friends (Taylor)
  • They will love each other (Zoey)
  • Goldy could share her friendship (Rebecca)
  • Love (Landon)
  • One of Goldy's scales would be given to Rainbow Fish (Paige)
  • They would be best friends (Abigale)
  • Rainbow fish would share his scales (Nathan)
  • Goldy will share her kindness (Emma)
  • They would play (Minelle)
  • Goldy might show Rainbow Fish her home (Blaire)
We talked about how it makes us feel to share:
  • It feels happy (Taylor)
  • Nice (Owen)
  • Nice (Paige)
  • Nice and kind (Zoey)
  • Nicest thing ever (Landon)
  • good (Blaire)
  • happy (Mason)
  • awesome (Dashyl)
Students created some work to go into their visual journal pet book. They coloured Rainbow Fish and put on sparkly scales using hole punches and ribbon. Students added a sparkly scale to Goldy. Tomorrow they will complete a writing piece on why it is important to share and how Goldy and Rainbow Fish would share with one another. 

Paige and Wyatt share their sparkly success. 

Landon and Taylor celebrate their Rainbow Fish and Goldy artwork. 

Emma, Thomas, Liam and Minelle share their Rainbow Fish creations. 

AM enjoyed a fresh air break while PM enjoyed Phys. Ed class. 

Our Top Banana is off to a great start! Students are asked to build and create this round. 
Cash C. shared his creative train track dinosaur creation. It was SO BIG he couldn't bring it in but the photos his mom sent were share with the class during his presentation. Students loved seeing his creativity and had many positive comments and questions. Cash did an excellent job of drawing his picture and sharing his writing piece. Way to go, Builder Cash.

Blaire imagined a home for her bunnies and was very creative with her materials when she built it. Marshmallows and toothpicks made a wonderful home for the bunny family. Students loved seeing Blaire move the bunnies into their own rooms.  Very creative, Builder Blaire. 

  • Field Trip forms are due this week, please return them along with payment.
  • Friday is PM Kindergarten
  • Friday is Jersey Day

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