Friday, October 12, 2018

Fun Friday


The AM Kindergarten class lucked out with some sunshine for the park visit today. We had a most excellent walk looking at the trees changing colour. We talked about the signs of fall and what season is coming (and has kind of already been here).  We stopped and pointed out signs and talked about what they mean. Students found stop signs, no parking signs, pedestrian sign and playground sign. Everyone enjoyed a great time at the park.

AM Kindergarten shared in the story of, 'I Call My Hand Gentle'. Everyone had a chance to stamp their hand. We look forward to sharing and recording what makes our hand special on Monday.

Letter Tt has been a big success. Ask your child to sing you the Jolly Phonics letter Tt tennis song! Find items around your home and community that start with the letter Tt. Having your child practice writing the letter is an excellent way to show you what they have been learning.

Patterns are everywhere. We have been working on reproducing patterns, creating our own patterns and extending patterns. Students have participated in beading activities, sticker activities, blocks, colouring and creating patterns. An AB pattern would be: red, blue, red, blue, red, blue. Try a challenge and complete an ABB pattern: red, blue, blue, red, blue, blue. And how about an ABC pattern: red, blue, green, red, blue, green. Using lego, blocks, crayons, toys, leaves, rocks, or snacks can be a fun way for your child to share their learning.

Family Movie Night is coming:

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