Wednesday, September 26, 2018

We Are All Special

I Am Special

We are All Special

Everyone Matters

Today AM and PM kindergarten celebrated themselves and sharing what is special about them. We began to celebrate the similarities of each other. Some ideas included:
  • we both do gymnastics
  • we both play hockey
  • we both have brothers
  • we both read already
We began to explore how we are different and that being different is okay:
  • I like soccer and she plays the piano
  • I play hockey and he is a skateboard guy
  • I can read and she is learning letters still
  • I have a brother and a sister and he doesn't
Kindergarten began to recognize that we are all different and all special in our own way. We talked about how we are all important and that we all have the right to be ourselves and to be treated kindly.

This is a lead in to our Orange shirt day on Monday, October 1. This day celebrates that every child matters. We are encouraging all children to wear an orange shirt to celebrate ourselves and others. 

Kindergarten Created Themselves 
Out of Loose Parts

We talked shared the things we liked about each others' creations.

Birthdays Are Special
Wishing Anya a Happy 5th Birthday

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