Thursday, September 27, 2018

I Have Been Brave


Both AM and PM kinders were delighted to visit the library and take out their very first book! How exciting to see their little smiles! Please enjoy your child's book and send it back on, or before, next Thursday. They will visit the library each Thursday. AM will be dismissed right at 11am as they are returning from the library, so please don't panic if you don't see your child right away.

Terry Fox Was Brave
I Have Been Brave

Students celebrated the bravery of Terry Fox today. After watching a video of Terry Fox, students shared ideas to describe him:
  • smart
  • kind
  • hard worker
  • brave
  • strong
PM students were going to do the Terry Fox run today but were unable to go outside due to the slippery/wet weather. They completed an indoor run on the spot activity with Ms. Nanavaty. Students counted groups of 10 all the way to 40 and then 4 additional to make 44 steps. Combined steps of all students added up to the distance to take us to the Calgary Zoo. How fun. 

Tomorrow AM students will participate in the school side Terry Fox run with the whole school. 

Students created a picture of a time they have shown bravery:
PM Brave Students
AM Brave Students

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