Thursday, April 2, 2020

Welcome To Google Classroom

Team Johnston continues to be totally amazing. We will be posting all news, updates and continued learning materials on Team Johnston's Google Classroom. Please refer to the  Google classroom. If you have any concerns or questions please email me at

See you there. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

Hello Magnificent Kinders

Happy Spring, kindergarten. Do you remember all of our seasons and the actions? I sure hope so. It has been a crazy week without all of your adorable smiling faces blowing my mind with your incredible capabilities. Not a day has passed that I haven't thought about each and everyone of you. Please use your magic breath to think about all of your happy kindergarten moments:

Kayley, I love  your smile and how everyday you laugh at my jokes and always have kind words for everyone. Your drawing and colouring has been so incredible- I am so proud of you. Keep smiling and keep writing.

Brett, I love your sense of humor and quiet kindness, you have done such amazing writing and drawing lately-I am so proud of you. Keep smiling and helping others.

Olivia, I love your smile and how you are always enjoying our learning activities. You have done such incredible math problem solving lately-I am so proud of you. Keep smiling and keep helping others.

Zach, I love your zest for learning, sharing and being your best. You've been writing sentence and words-I am so proud of you. Keep laughing and smiling.

Phoenix, I love our daily conversations and all of your new experiences. You have been representing numbers and problem solving like crazy-I am so proud of you. Keep smiling and sharing your kind words.

Max, I love your kindness and warm heart. You work so hard and care about everyone and everything-I am so proud of you. Keep caring for others and sharing your smile. 

Harriet, I love your big hugs and gorgeous smile. You have been making incredible patterns and colouring like an artist. I am so proud of you. Keep laughing and brining joy to every moment. 

Ryder, I love your smiling face and bright eyes ready to learn. You have been writing and drawing like crazy-I am so proud of you. Keep helping others and showing your amazing kindness.

Carlos, I love your laugh and sense of humor. You have been sharing incredible connections creating amazing artwork-I am so proud of you. Keep smiling and helping others. 

Griffin, I love your energy and inquisitive mind. You have been drawing, colouring and labeling like nobody's business-I am so proud of you. Keep enjoying every adventure and sharing that smile.

Scarlett, I love your sweet kind smile and helpful hands. You have been so focused on your work and helping others-I am so proud of you. Keep smiling and sharing your kind words. 

Mya, I love your happiness and positive words. You have been working so hard to be your very best in all you do-I am so proud of you. Keep sharing that beautiful smile (with no teeth).

Ivy, I love your insightful connections and excitement to share new things. You have been making some incredible patterns and problem solving like crazy. I am so proud of you. Keep smiling and helping others. 

Owen, I love your laugh and big bright smile. You have been writing words and drawing incredibly detailed pictures lately, I am so proud of you. Keep trying new things and sharing your drawings.

Ethan, I love your eagerness to learn and share your thoughts and ideas. You have been drawing the most amazingly detailed pictures lately, I am so proud of you. Keep helping others and sharing your smile.  
Decklan, I love your smile and bright eyes. You have been sharing your learning and using kind words, I am so proud of you. Keep talking and smiling that beautiful smile.
For those of you away for magic breath, we share our happy thoughts your way. 

Sydney, I love your smile and excitement for learning. You are the most incredible artist, creating magnificent drawings and paintings. I am so proud of you. Keep smiling and keep sharing your artistic talents with the world. 
Liam, I love your kindness and our daily conversations. You have been writing words and sentences, I am so proud of you. Keep smiling and being helpful.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Fabulous Friday

Today our Rock Star was Mya. She enjoys playing basketball with her family in the community.

Kindergarten completed a variety of math activities today. Students enjoyed working on patterns. We reviewed AB, ABB, and ABC patterns. Students were asked to create a colour pattern and extend  2 and 3 element patterns using manipulatives, colours and templates. Kindergarten worked on using direct comparison to compare two groups of objects using more and less vocabulary to explain their thinking. Students sorted based on the rule of plants or animals. We revisited subitizing and matched dice, fingers and numerals.

Well being is so important in our busy lives today. Positive mental health helps students develop as learners. Today we shared things that make us happy. We talked about things that can make us sad or mad. Students practiced deep breathing and visualization of happy thoughts to push away sad or made thoughts. We read the book, Magic Breath, and created an art piece to show our own magic breath. Beautiful art pieces now hang on our windows to remind us of how we can use happy thoughts and deep breathing to help us when we are sad.

Students have two new library books coming home-enjoy.


  • Conferences have unfortunately been cancelled next week
  • Students have school Mon./Tues./Wed. only

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Today our Rock Star was Phoenix. He participates in skiing.
Phoenix shared his ski goggles today and a skiing video. He goes to the Nakiska hill near our community. He loves to go fast and never falls, but if he did he would get back up. He has skied with a friend in our class too-wow, that's cool. Phoenix's friends loved watching the video of Phoenix skiing down the hill, turning and stopping. You are one awesome skier, Rock Star Phoenix. 
Students enjoyed representing and describing the number 10 today. Students used two colours to show number pairs and to partition numbers. Students also related numerals to their respective quantity.

Students completed finishing touches on their diorama, shared their habitats with friends and used a checklist to see if they had everything they needed to accurately represent their animal habitat. They can hardly wait to share with you at conferences next week.

Kindergarten enjoyed connecting letters with sounds when we reviewed our alphabet letters/sounds using jolly phonics and story bots alphabet at snack time.

Tomorrow is AM kindergarten. We will be visiting the library so please send in your child's books.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Fun Facts

Our Rock Star today was Kayley. She is very involved in her community in a variety of outdoor activities.

Kayley shared her protective equipment for using her scooter; this included knee pads, elbow pads and gloves. She also wears a helmet. Kayley shared some amazing pictures of her being active and involved in her community. She loves to go to the part and play. She goes sledding with her family, rides her bike and scooter in the community. WOW, we love how you are a part of New Brighton community. Way to go, Rock Star Kayley.
Today students worked with the WOW drawing and colouring rubrics to create the final page of their informational book. Students accessed a variety of tools to demonstrate their knowledge of fun and interesting facts using dominant sounds in words to develop, organize and express information and ideas.

Students did an incredible job of sharing their animal of interest and a fun fact. The rubric below is the marking criteria for this writing task.


  • this Friday is AM kindergarten 

Monday, March 9, 2020

Marvelous Monday

Welcome back and happy Monday. Students enjoyed a community sharing circle today. They also reviewed all of the different habitats and habitat features of our animals. Upon exploring their dioramas and explaining to a friend the features of their habitat, they drew their ideas and used writing to explain their picture. Students are working to express interest in new ideas and experiences. By sounding out words and writing dominant sounds, students are constructing meaning and representing ideas. Take a look at our writing today.

This week library will be on Friday-please bring your books.

Students enjoyed some movement breaks today in between drawing, writing and colouring their habitat page.


  • library on Friday 
  • Friday is AM kindergarten
  • next week is conferences-no school on Thursday/Friday for kinders
  • please keep your eyes open so you can book a conference, I can't wait to celebrate your awesome child and their learning