Thursday, March 12, 2020

Today our Rock Star was Phoenix. He participates in skiing.
Phoenix shared his ski goggles today and a skiing video. He goes to the Nakiska hill near our community. He loves to go fast and never falls, but if he did he would get back up. He has skied with a friend in our class too-wow, that's cool. Phoenix's friends loved watching the video of Phoenix skiing down the hill, turning and stopping. You are one awesome skier, Rock Star Phoenix. 
Students enjoyed representing and describing the number 10 today. Students used two colours to show number pairs and to partition numbers. Students also related numerals to their respective quantity.

Students completed finishing touches on their diorama, shared their habitats with friends and used a checklist to see if they had everything they needed to accurately represent their animal habitat. They can hardly wait to share with you at conferences next week.

Kindergarten enjoyed connecting letters with sounds when we reviewed our alphabet letters/sounds using jolly phonics and story bots alphabet at snack time.

Tomorrow is AM kindergarten. We will be visiting the library so please send in your child's books.

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