Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Fun Facts

Our Rock Star today was Kayley. She is very involved in her community in a variety of outdoor activities.

Kayley shared her protective equipment for using her scooter; this included knee pads, elbow pads and gloves. She also wears a helmet. Kayley shared some amazing pictures of her being active and involved in her community. She loves to go to the part and play. She goes sledding with her family, rides her bike and scooter in the community. WOW, we love how you are a part of New Brighton community. Way to go, Rock Star Kayley.
Today students worked with the WOW drawing and colouring rubrics to create the final page of their informational book. Students accessed a variety of tools to demonstrate their knowledge of fun and interesting facts using dominant sounds in words to develop, organize and express information and ideas.

Students did an incredible job of sharing their animal of interest and a fun fact. The rubric below is the marking criteria for this writing task.


  • this Friday is AM kindergarten 

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