Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Our Rock Star today was Scarlett. She enjoyed sharing that she participates in dance classes in her community.

Scarlett shared a dancing medal and photographs of her at her dance recital. She loves dancing because it is fun. Scarlett participates in ballet and jazz; she likes jazz the most. Scarlett sometimes gets nervous when a lot of people are watching her dance. Wow, we think you look beautiful in your dancing photos and your medal is so special. Great work, dancing Rock Star Scarlett.
This morning we reviewed our animal body parts. Making connections among sounds, letters, words pictures and meaning helped us to label our animal diagrams. Students were encouraged to access environmental print, took kits, diagrams and informational posters to help them label their diagrams. They did an excellent job.

Students enjoyed gym, centers and letter/sound review.


  • Thursday is movie night (I sent home tickets with your child in their backpacks today)
  • Friday is no school for AM kindergarten

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