Monday, March 2, 2020

Marvelous Monday

Our Rock Star was Zach today. He likes to go dirtbiking.
Zach shared his dirt biking pants, jersey and photos today. He loves to dirt bike when he goes camping, he has even gone all the way to the top of a mountain. Zach doesn't get scared and sometimes he falls but gets right back up again. He usually dirt bikes with his dad. Zach sure keeps busy outside of school. His friends loved looking at the pictures and asking questions about his wonderful past time. Wow, that is pretty exciting, Rock Star Zach.

Students enjoyed sharing their ideas, experiences and feelings during our community circle. We also spoke about signs of spring and shared things we are excited to do when the snow melts.

This week kindergarten will be busy preparing an informational book based on their animal of study. Today we worked on our title page. Students worked hard to write neat and clear. Throughout the week we will work on our labeled diagram and food our animal likes.

Students learned the number pairs for 9 today and practiced creating these number pairs using two colours. Students represented and described the number 9 concretely and pictorially. Using tally marks, ten frames, pictures, manipulatives and number pairs, students shared their understanding of the number 9.

Kindergarten enjoyed their library visit and have two new books coming home today.

We enjoyed exploring our new centers today-lemonade stand, big blocks, and babies. Students are working to share, take turns and use their imaginations.

Movie tickets are still available if you are interested. Here is a copy of the form:

  • this week is no school for AM kindergarten

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