Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Welcome Back

How exciting to welcome everyone back to school for their first day in 2020.

We began our day with a community circle to share our activities from the break. Students are working on the letter Pp and Bb this week. We continue to build our knowledge of letters and sounds so we can begin to listen for dominant sounds in words to begin the writing process. Today we did the letter Pp. Speaking of the letter Pp, we did puzzles with a small group of friends. Sharing, positive talk and cooperation led many groups to puzzle completion.
Griffin, Carlos and Harriet share their letter Pp work.




We are beginning to work on representing numbers. Students will be using ten frames, tally marks, dice, dominoes and number lines to represent numbers. Today we began with the number 1. Playing dice games or domino games at home is a wonderful way to practice learning numbers.

Today the new Rock Start schedule is coming home. Please take note of your child's special day. This time students are asked to bring in a special short story book to share with the class. Please help your child prepare their presentation of sharing the name of their book and why it is special to them. I will then read aloud their special book to the class. (Please be mindful of the length of book so we have time to finish).


  • This Friday is AM kindergarten and it's Pajama Day!!! Wear your favourite PJs
  • Please send a shoe box for your child for an upcoming project

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