Monday, December 16, 2019

Marvelous Monday

Welcome to our final week of school before winter break.

  • Report cards came home today
  • AM kindergarten last day is Wednesday December 18
  • Conferences are Thursday evening and Friday morning (please book online)
  • No school January 6, 2020
  • Back to school January 7, 2020
Kindergarten worked at their learning tables after our community meeting. This week students will work with a WOW rubric to colour their festive pictures. The WOW rubric shows how we add colour to pictures: colour inside the lines, use real colours and no white showing. Students are working to draw and write about their ideas in their journals. Finally, students are working to make clear drawings by using basic shapes; they are following guided step by step examples to make pictures on white boards.

Today we worked on the letter Uu. We talked about letter formation, learned the jolly phonic song and action and completed our letter work. 

Kindergarten experienced their first lockdown practice today. When the lockdown message came on, all students moved quietly to the wall with the green circle, away from the door. We all sat quietly. We talked about how this was just practice and a real lockdown might occur if an animal was to enter the school. We all sat quietly until the police unlocked our door and acknowledged the great job we did practicing. 

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