Thursday, November 28, 2019

Our Rock Star today was Kayley.
Our Rock Star Kayley is Canadian and speaks English with her family at home. She lives with her Mom, Dad and sister. She was named after her Great Grandma, so special. Kayley's favourite family tradition is playing in the snow. What an amazing family, Kayley. 
Students enjoyed their last learning table today.

Today we review our longer and shorter than lessons. Our task was to draw a snowman in the middle of our page. Students were then asked to draw one taller snowman and one shorter snowman. Some students began to use the letter T for taller and S for shorter. Students shared a taller/shorter sentence based on their snowman pictures.

We completed a guided drawing today. Tomorrow students will complete their masterpiece and share on the blog. How exciting.

  • tomorrow is AM kindergarten-see you then
  • Thursday December 5: Warm Feet on the Street family evening: 6pm
  • Friday December 6: PM Kindergarten attends (no AM)

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