Monday, September 9, 2019

Welcome To Mrs. Johnston's Kindergarten Class

Hooray for our first Monday in Kindergarten. What an excellent start. I loved meeting all of the parents. Looking ahead, we will meet again on September 19/20 for our first parent/teacher conference. Keep your eyes posted on the school website on how to book a time.

This morning we worked on keeping our personal items together by hanging coats and backpacks together. Working on independence with coats, zippers and shoes with your child is so important and very much appreciated.

Students are working on their very first poem, Everybody Has a Name.  Students are learning actions and the words. Try reading it with your child.

We explored our very first learning tables today, also known as tub time. Each day students will have the opportunity to engage in a new table activity. Students worked on their cutting skills around straight, curvy and zig zag lines. Helping your child use scissors at home can be lots of fun. Cutting magazines and pictures from flyers can be engaging and great practice. Students used white board markers to trace lines and complete mazes or practice tracing their name. Loose parts offered students the opportunity to explore new and familiar materials while outlining different lines. 

Students practiced printing their names today. They reprinted using a capital letter to start their name and the rest lower case. A big challenge was identifying letters in various orders. Way to go, Kinders. 

Students enjoyed their snacks with new friends today. Center bins were open for playing today and students enjoyed playing cooperatively with others. 


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