Tuesday, June 25, 2019

PM Kindergarten enjoyed their very last day this afternoon. What fun we had in our last gym class. Students visited a Grade 1 class and enjoyed a group center choice activity. 

What an incredible year with these PM superstars. What fabulous growth and progress everyone made. I absolutely love my job and loved seeing these amazing children become students of learning, participants in the New Brighton community and citizens of this world. Thank you parents for trusting me with your child, what a pleasure. 

Yeah, Kindergarten was AWESOME!
PM Kindergarten (October 18) The BEFORE.....

Amazing Students ready for Grade 1 (The AFTER)

This is Mrs. Johnston trying get in there...oh well.....
Today Kinders enjoyed a busy day. They reviewed their poems from Kindergarten and created a special title page for their very own poetry book to take home. Kindergarten went to GRADE 1 today...what?!?! That's right, they switched classrooms with a Grade 1 class (which has not relation to what class they will be in next year or with what teacher, simply a class switch ;0) They enjoyed working in a Grade 1 classroom. How fun. (I think the return to center time was a hit for Grade 1 students as well).

Wednesday is AM last day; please note that it is an early dismissal day and classes will finish at 11:45am.

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