Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday

What an exciting day in kindergarten. Students imagined they were a fish and became friends with our class pet, Goldy. They worked on drawing pictures of themselves as a fish with Goldy. Students worked to create words using letter sounds and some are writing sentences.

Everyone enjoyed our new center time.


Landon shared his building of an NHL hockey bracket. He organized the NHL playoff teams into their brackets and shared with us his favourite teams. Landon imagined a way to organize all of the playoff teams and built his own representation. He printed off pictures and cut them out. He glued organized his teams. Landon's friends thought this was a very cool creation and were excited to share their favourite teams. Super creative, Builder Landon.

Divya shared her drawing of a flower garden she created with her Dad. Divya imagined how to plant and where to put rocks. She worked with her Dad to build a garden with rocks, soil and even an Apple tree. Divya's classmates were excited to share with her their favourite part of her garden. Way to go, Builder Divya.

  • AM kindergarten on Friday (no school for PM)
  • potential park day Friday (Pending weather)

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