Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Magnificent Monday

Students enjoyed new learning tables today. This week students will be working to represent and describe the number 8 concretely and pictorally. Students recorded ideas about how to show the number 8 using tally marks, dominoes, words, numerals, number pairs and visuals. They are also working to create the number 8 using blocks and representing using two colours; 0 and 8, 8 and 0,
6 and 2, 2 and 6, 3 and 5, 5 and 3 and 4 and 4. After representing with blocks, students are recording their number pairs using colours and writing numerals. Look for this learning table work to come home throughout the week. Students are also using 3-D blocks to build and create.

We had some fabulous creations today. Students were inventors today building with 3D shapes to create something they imagined. 

We had some fabulous creations today. Students were inventors today building with 3D shapes to create something they imagined.

Students worked to connect letters with sounds today as we focused on the word, at. We used our letter sounds to make new words: rat, cat hat, bat, fat and mat. Students will continue working with the at family throughout the week.

Today Abigale shared her amazing creation of a house for her hatchimals. She introduced each of her hatchimals and shared the home she had created using a strawberry container. Her classmates were very impressed with her colouring for the sides of the home. Way to go, Builder Abigale. 

Hats On! for Mental Health Day
On May 1, 2019, Albertans are invited to wear a hat to raise awareness of the importance of good mental health. Participating CBE schools will relax their hat rules and encourage students and teachers to build understanding by wearing hats to school. Individual classrooms will also have a discussion around mental health and the importance of removing the stigma associated with mental illnesses, at an age appropriate level.
Student's at New Brighton School are invited to participate in Hats On! for Mental Health on Wednesday!

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