Monday, November 5, 2018

Marvelous Monday

AM Kindergarten worked with Ms. Taylor today. They had a performance on, Earth Rangers, in the gym. What a wonderful learning opportunity.


This week offers marvelous learning opportunities.

Our new learning tubs are under way. This week students will rotate through four new learning tubs. While they are working I will be taking students one at a time to do some counting practice.

This week's tubs feature a colouring table. Students are encouraged to use 'real life' colours true to the object they are colouring. We are colouring animal homes and our homes. Students are working hard to colour in one direction and inside the lines.
Emma, Andy, Mason, Sophie and Blaire put their colouring skills to the test.

At the sorting table, students work on team work and communication to sort healthy food and unhealthy food into bins. After sorting, students are drawing their own healthy food on white boards. Students are beginning to explore letter sounds to label their drawings.
Dashyl, Nathan, Brielle, Cash, Abigale and Minael make some food drawings after sorting.

Let the good times roll with two tables of dice, subitzing and matching. Students will roll a dice and identify the number. They will place a glass bead over the matching number on their subitizing mat. Let the race begin, who can fill their whole page?
Liam, Lauren and Hadi get subitizing!

Second dice table involves rolling the dice and keeping track of how many times that number appears. Students are shading in the number they see on a graph. Which number comes in first, second and third?
Rylie, Thomas, Skylar, Dom and Divya explore graphing their dice rolls.

This week our letter is Jj. Students are singing their jelly and jam phonics song to help make the sound. Practicing printing and painting this letter at home would be lots of fun. Finding objects, names of people and places makes the Jj really fun to learn.

Thomas, Minael, Brielle and Dom share their Jj work (PM)

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