Thursday, October 25, 2018

Fall Is Upon Us

Today we celebrated fall and remembered our fall tree visit. Students completed a guided drawing of a tree which was an excellent opportunity to show listening skills and follow directions. We talked about fall colours and falling leaves. Students completed a painting of our classroom tree. They used paintbrushes to paint the trunk and branches and used sponges to add leaves to their tree. What masterpieces they turned out to be.

Reminder there is no school tomorrow, Friday, October 26 for all students at New Brighton
Tonight is family movie night (don't forget your tickets)
RAZ KIDS has been sent home.

We are in need of two volunteers to help with dice counting and learning games on Thursday, November 1st at 9:45-10:45am (AM) and 2pm-3pm (PM). Please email me to confirm a spot. Thank you!

Wishing all of you a wonderful long weekend. Enjoy the weather and I look forward to seeing all of the Kinders next week. 

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