Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Kindergarten students enjoyed settling into their new school routines! Please ensure your child has the following in order to meet with success:

  • indoor shoes (that will stay at school and that can be put on independently)
  • snack and water bottle (no juice boxes, please)
It is best if toys and special items are left at home.

Students are focusing on learning the first letter of their name, how to make that sound and how to write the letter.  Ask your child to tell you the first letter of their name and what sound it makes! Practicing writing their name using upper case and lower case letters would be excellent fun at home! 

Students enjoyed learning tubs today. Learning tubs are stations set up at tables where students spend 10-15 minutes each day practicing different skills. They were able to explore various types of lines through a variety of tubs. They will rotate through these learning tubs each day to practice their line skills. 

 Building Lines

 Coloring Lines

Tracing Lines

Loose Parts

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