Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

Students were excited to visit the gym for the first time! Ms. Nanavaty reviewed routines and played some music as students learned to move around the gym safely! Ask your child what super power Ms. Nanavaty has!

Students listened to the book, "What Do you Do With a Chance?". We brainstormed ideas about how Kindergarten offers many chances. We talked about some of the chances we can take in Kindergarten:

This is my chance to: (AM)
  • go to the gym and make a friend (Cash)
  • make a friend ((Ryder, Paige, Taylor, Anya)
  • go to the gym (Minael)
This is my chance to (PM):
  • not miss my mom too much (Evan)
  • make new friends (Hadi, Lauren, Dashyl)
  • do math (Skylar)
Students illustrated their ideas about a chance they will take in Kindergarten. 


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