Monday, September 24, 2018

Name It!

Welcome Back 
Happy Monday

Today students were welcomed back to school after four days off! It was exciting to begin our new learning tubs. This week we are focusing on printing our names, recognizing all of the letters and learning how to draw people so we can begin to draw ourselves.

Lines Lines Lines

Today students completed a culminating line activity incorporating all of their knowledge of different types of line. Bending, twisting, folding and curling paper into fun lines was an excellent way for students to demonstrate the different types of lines. Ask your child to tell you about their 3D artwork and all the types of lines they have included. Go on a line hunt around the house and in the community. 

Scholastic Book Orders

Just a friendly reminder that scholastic book orders are due tomorrow. You may make your order on-line under our Kindergarden account which is Michelle Hughes. You may also send a cheque with your child to the school.

Terry Fox Run

Thursday: PM kindergarten will run a modified run with Kindergarten classes only around the field
Friday: AM kindergarten will run the Terry Fox run with the school (PM Invited with a parent if they wish)

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