Thursday, March 5, 2020

Our Rock Star today was Olivia. She plays soccer in her community.
Olivia shared her soccer jersey that said, Soccer in the Community, how perfect is that? Olivia shared her super cool cleats which offered a wonderful opportunity to talk about what other sports we wear cleats for and why. Olivia's were especially fancy. Olivia loves scoring goals and running in soccer. She also shared a medal she has won in soccer-way to go, Rock Star Olivia. 
Students enjoyed reviewing their knowledge about our animals of study and the food they eat. Students used their alphabet tool kits to help them connect letters with sounds in words and write dominant sounds in words that they are hearing. Kindergarten are encouraged to stretch out the sounds in words and listen for the main ones they are hearing. Then, using their knowledge of sound/letter relationships they write the corresponding letters. They did an incredible job of recording the beginning, middle and end sounds in words to communicate their knowledge of what their animal eats. We used our WOW colouring rubric to make these food drawings look amazing.

Students added finishing touches to their diorama habitats today. Next week we will complete the final two pages in our informational books so they are ready to share at conferences.

Ideas to extend learning at home:

  • play a board game: practice subitizing the number on the dice; what number do you roll-how quickly can you say that number?? Practice counting the correct number of spaces
  • use loose parts, snack food, toys or painting to show the value of a number pictorially (ie: write the numerals 1-10 and then show 1 goldfish, 2 goldfish, 3 goldfish...
  • make piles of toys, beads, rocks or food items: I have 5, show me more, show me less
  • read books: identify letters in words, tell your own story using the pictures
  • write your own story: draw a series of pictures to tell a story, then label the pictures using letter sounds, try to write a sentence to tell about your pictures
  • no school for AM kinders tomorrow-see you Monday
  • next week is a full week 
  • conferences are coming up before spring break

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