Monday, November 12, 2018

Happy Monday

Students were welcomed back with some new learning tables. This week students will work on fine motor skills, printing their names and drawing using step by step drawings, number lines, and sequencing. The letter Uu is our letter this week.

At this table, Kinders are working to roll a ten sided dice, read the number and find it on their number line. Once they find it they are placing a clothes pin on that number. Then they count up to 10 starting with that number and down to 0 starting from the same number. For instance if you roll a 6 count up to 10: 6-7-8-9-10 and then down 6-5-4-3-2-1. Students are working towards saying the number sequence from 1 to 10 and 10 to 1 starting anywhere from 1 to 10 and 10 to 1.

Anya, Celtie, Brix and Zoey practice counting 1 to 10 and 10 to 1.

Hadi, Dashyl, Divya and Abigale let the good times roll. 

This learning table offers a variety of situations, events or tasks that are to be sequenced in order by placing the four cards side by side.
Cash, Taylor and Morgan sequence their story cards together! Great cooperation.

Emma, Brielle and Blaire sequence their story cards independently. 

Fine motor skills are so important as students work to strengthen their hand strength for coloring, drawing and cutting. At this table, students are using tweezers to pick up beads. They are placing elastics on a container and placing buttons into a slot using two fingers and a thumb. Rolling a dice and counting out a number of pom poms using two fingers and one thumb helps to practice pencil grip and counting.
Solveig, Ryker, Rebecca, Owen and Ante practice their fine motor tasks. 

Evan, Liam, Nathan and Rylie are super focused on their fine motor activities.

Students are working to print their names using a capital letter for their first name and lower case letters for the rest of their name. Being able to say each letter in their name is important. After working with their name students are using basic shapes and step by step guided drawing sheets to create pictures.

Piper, Paige, Jordyn, Wyatt and Landon get down to drawing.
Minelle, Sophie, Dom and Thomas use their step by step sheets to draw some pretty cool things.

This week we are focusing on the letter Uu. Making the letter at home is great practice. Finding the /u/ sound in words is a great way to practice and familiarize your child with the letter Uu. Today students practiced forming the letter correctly and drawing some pictures. After drawing, students used our coloring rubric to show their best coloring.

Landon, Rebecca and Ante share their Uu alphabet work. (AM)

AM Letter Uu.

Sophie, Rylie (letter J) and Abigale share their alphabet work. (PM)

PM Letter Uu.


  • Thursday is jersey day-wear your favorite jersey
  • this Friday is AM kindergarten
  • a notice for PITA day came home today (please sign and return with payment)
  • ** I would love two parent volunteers to help on November 21** (please email if you are available. AM: 9am-10am and PM 1pm-2pm)

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