Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

It was a pleasure to meet your children today. We hope they had a great first day in kindergarten.  Today, we met one of the kindergarten teachers and enjoyed some centers and a story. Tomorrow's schedule for kindergarten will run the same way as today.
AM last name A-L attend 8:40 AM-9:40 AM
AM last name M-Z attend 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
PM last name A-L attend 12:15 PM- 1:15 PM
PM last name M-Z attend 1:45 PM- 2:45 PM
Starting tomorrow we will be using the kindergarten doors (at the side of the school) for both drop off and pick up.
Below is some important information regarding kindergarten.
Each kindergarten teacher has created a blog to keep you up to date on learning, upcoming events and important dates. Keeping up with the blog will be helpful for you and your child as it serves as an important communication tool.
Mrs. Patten- pattenkindergarten.blogspot.com
Mrs. Hughes- hughes134.blogspot.com
Mrs. Johnston- johnstonkindergarten.blogspot.com
Mrs. Dennis- sjdenniskindergarten.blogspot.com
Students and teachers will have the opportunity to spend time together during the first week of school staggered entry. Teachers will be assigned on September 10.
Getting started in Kindergarten
·       Each child requires a pair of indoor shoes that are appropriate for Phys-ed and easy for your child to put on and take off independently (Please bring these on Monday, September 10th)
·       Bring a healthy snack to school each day with a reusable water bottle. Please no juice boxes
·       Keep an extra set of clothes in a ziplock bag at the bottom of the backpack
·       A backpack that is large enough to hold a library book
·       Label everything!
·       Drop off and pick up will be at the side doors. Please say goodbye at the doors in the morning and wait along the fence for pick up.  Teachers will dismiss students one at a time.